Our commitments

MACEL Company is regularly involved at various levels.

Macel Sellier has had know-how for 50 years, and is committed every day to enhancing and perpetuating it. Thanks to the training of apprentices each year, the Macel company passes on its know-how to young saddlers and participates in the renewal of the workforce in this art profession.

Macel Sellier is committed to perpetuating a 100% French handmade production by its highly qualified master saddlers. Each saddle leaving the Macel workshop is a unique piece of prestigious know-how and will benefit from a careful follow-up. Macel guarantees the high quality of its leather, which is 100% French.

Historic commitments





Horse respect

The comfort of the rider, but above all the horse, is our priority. With the aim of constant development, Maison Macel has chosen to rely on solid partners and on scientific studies focused on the impact of the rider on the horse (Science Of Motion). We work with real horsemen and women who love the sport as much as the animal to find the best balance between innovation and tradition in the different equestrian disciplines.


100% handmade in France in our workshop in Loire department, MACEL saddles are technical and precision tools that allow the most demanding riders to ride with quality. They also bear witness to a prestigious know-how and a high level of mastery of the finished product. This knowledge allows us to be in constant evolution with time, as much on the design by the creation of new models or options as on the choice of materials that we select with rigour.


Each saddle that leaves our workshop is a unique product in terms of technicality and fitting to your horse: tailor-made to you and your companion is our priority. You can also choose from a wide range of options and customisations. When ordering your saddle and even your accessories, you can ask us to make a product in your colours by choosing every little detail that will make the difference in terms of leather, threads and different coloured bands.

Macel : Made in France,
made to measure,

The quality of the materials is crucial. At least six types of leather are needed to make a saddle. Some must be resistant to perspiration, others to rubbing, pulling, shearing, etc. Hand-cutting allows a better choice of skins. MACEL saddles are all made with full grain leather selected by us. We work with renowned tanneries such as GAL Tannery for the coarse hides and HASS for the skins, in order to keep a perfect control of the finished product.

Macel : Made in France,

La qualité des matériaux est déterminante. Il faut six sortes de cuir au moins pour réaliser une selle. Certains doivent résister à la transpiration, d’autres aux frottements, à la traction, aux cisaillements, etc. La découpe manuelle permet un meilleur choix des peaux. Les selles MACEL sont toutes fabriquées avec des cuirs “pleine fleur” sélectionnés par nos soins pour un parfait contrôle du produit fini.